Halo Guys! Bagi kalian yang masih duduk dibangku kelas 12 SMA, bagaimana apa kalian sudah memutuskan untuk mendaftar program/jurusan yang kalian minati? Pilihlah jurusan yang dipengaruhi oleh cita-cita yang kalian inginkan untuk masa depan nanti ya dan sesuai dengan minat atau bakat yang kamu miliki. Faktor lain dalam memilih jurusan bisa dipengaruhi oleh sikap orang tua yang sering kali memilihkan jurusan kuliah tertentu pada...
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Hai semuanya! Apa kalian tertarik untuk melanjutkan berkuliah di Eropa ? Nah, Pada kesempatan kali ini DEG akan memberikan informasi menarik seputar Negara Belanda. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Negara kincir angin? Ya, yaitu Belanda yang ber-ibu kota di Amsterdam. Negara berbentuk pemerintahan monarki konstitusional ini berbatasan langsung dengan laut di sebelah barat dan utara, Belgia di sebelah selatan dan Jerman di sebelah timur. Sedangkan...
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by Info Dynamic Education
TOEFL iBT stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. The TOEFL iBT test is a test that measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level and it evaluates how well you combine your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks. IELTS stands for The International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s most popular...
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by Info Dynamic Education
1. The Experience Usually, students are so caught up with their university activities a lot so that they forgot that the real (working) world if very different with what it’s like in the university. This is why Internship is important because students got the taste of what it feels to try what is it feel like to work in real a real company and what...
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by Info Dynamic Education
Last year, Forbes revealed that Biostatistic Master Degree is the best and the most profitable master degrees out there. With the Early Career Pay $68,800 and Mid Career Pay $104,000, Biostatistic is considered 2016’s best master degree to get. What is Biostatistic exactly ? according to healthcare management degree website , Biostatistics (or biometry) deals with the statistical processes and methods applied to the analysis...
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by Info Dynamic Education
South Korea is one of the most popular country at the moment, all thanks to their entertainment industry that took the world by storm. All the flashy fashion, good-looking celebrities, and also the popular TV Dramas really took a spot in everybody’s mind right now. All of the flashy images that people see on TV’s may distract the fact that not only the entertainment culture that...
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