Yuk Lanjut Kuliah di Queen Mary University, London!

17 Feb 2020
Hi teman-teman! Apakah kalian sudah tau ingin melanjutkan kuliah dimana? Yuk simak informasi menarik bagi kalian yang berminat untuk lanjut kuliah luar negeri khususnya di negara Inggris. DEG ingin memberi fakta dan informasi menarik mengenai Queen Mary University yang merupakan salah satu Universitas di Inggris yang tergabung dalam University of London dan anggota dari Russel Group.
Queen Mary University merupakan universitas yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1785. Awalnya, Queen Mary University dinamakan London Hospital Medical College). Lalu sejak tahun 1843 namanya terus berganti, seperti Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Westfield College (1882), Queen Mary College (1885), dan Queen Mary & Westfield (1989) hingga akhirnya ditetapkan sebagai University pada tahun 1995 sekaligus bergabung dengan sekolah kedokteran.
Dalam peringkat Universitas Internasional 2019/20, Queen Mary University berhasil meraih posisi top 15 yaitu dengan peringkat ke-12 di Inggris pada Times Higher Education World University Rankings , Universitas Global Terbaik ke-13 di Inggris berdasarkan majalah U.S. News & World Report , dan peringkat ke-126 (Peringkat Universitas Dunia versi QS) ke-110 di dunia.
Queen Mary University memiliki kemitraan dengan perusahaan industri besar seperti Pfizer, IBM, dan Huawei.
Queen Mary mempunyai empat fakultas, diantaranya:
- Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
- Faculty of Life Science Institute
- Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Jika kamu tertarik, berikut adalah persyaratan untuk daftar ke Queen Mary University:
- Menyelesaikan A Level/ IB Diploma/ Foundation
- IELTS 6,0 untuk S1 dan IELTS 6,5-7,0 untuk S2
- Data-data lainnya
Untuk info lebih lanjut kamu bisa hubungi kami via whatsapp di 0821 2364 0874/ 0812 8542 2147 Atau bisa melalui email di Info@dynamicedugroup.com
Berikut Jurusan Undergraduate (S1) yang ada di Queen Mary University, yaitu :
- Bsc Accounting and Finance & Bcs Accounting and Management
- Bsc Aerospace Engineering & Bsc Aerospace Engineering with Management
- Bsc Astrophysics
- Bsc Biochemistry; Bsc Biology; Bsc Biomaterials for Biomedical Science
- Bsc Biomedical Engineering & Bsc Biomedical Engineering with Management
- Bsc Business Management; Bsc Business Management (Social change); Bsc Business with Law
- Bsc Chemical Engineering; Bsc Chemistry
- Bsc Comperative Literature; Bsc Comperative Literature and Film Studies; Bsc Comperative Literature and Linguistics
- Bsc Computer Science; Bsc Computer Science and Mathematics; Bsc Computer Science with Management (ITMB)
- Bsc Computer System; Bsc Creative Computing; Bsc Cultural History
- Bsc Dental Masterials; Bsc Dentistry
- Bsc Design Innovation and Creative Engineering; Bsc Digital and Technology Solution (Software Engineer)
- Bsc Drama
- Bsc Economics; Bsc Economics and Finance: Bsc Economic and International Finance; Bsc Economics and Politic
- Bsc Economic, Finance and Management; Bsc Economic Statistic and Mathematic
- Bsc Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Bsc Electronic Engineering; Bsc Electronic Engineering and Telecommunication
- Bsc English; Bsc English and Drama; Bsc English and European Law; Bsc English and Film Studies; Bsc English and French Law; Bsc English and History; Bsc English Language; Bsc English Language and Linguistics; Bsc English Literature and Linguistics; Bsc English with creative writing
- Bsc Environmental Science & Bsc Environmental science with Business Management
- Bsc Film Studies; Bsc Film Studies and Drama; Bsc Film Studies and French; Bsc Film Studies and Hispanic Studies; Bsc Film Studies and German; Bsc Film Studies and Russian
- Bsc Finance; Bsc Financial Mathematics;
- BA French; BA French and Comparative Literature; BA French and Linguistics; BA French and Politics; BA French with Business Management
- Bsc Genetic
- BA Geography; Bsc Geography; Bsc Geopgraphy with Business Management
- Bsc German and Comparative Literature ; Bsc German and Linguistics; BA German and Politic; BA German with Business Management
- Bsc Global Health
- BA Hispanic Studiess and Comparative Literature; BA Hispanic Studiess and Linguistics; Hispanic Studiess and Politic; Hispanic Studiess with Business Management
- BA History; BA History and Comparative Literature; BA History and Politics
- Bsc Intelectual History
- Bsc Intercalated Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Materials; BMedsc Intercalated Clinical and Molecular Pharmachology; Bsc Intercalated Experimental Pathology; Bsc Intercalated and Global Public Health; Bsc Intercalated Medical Education; Bsc Intercalated Neuroscience; Bsc Intercalated Oral Biology; Bsc Intercalated Pre Hospital Medicine; Bsc Intercalated Sport and Exercise Medicine
- Bsc International Relations;
- LLB Law; LLB Law and Politics; LLB Law Senior Status; LLB Law with Business
- Bsc Linguistics
- Bsc Marketting and Management
- BEng Materials and Design; BEng Materials science and Engineering with Management
- Bsc Mathematics; Bsc Mathematics and Statistci; Bsc Mathematics with Actuarial Science; Bsc Mathematics with Accounting and Finance; Bsc Mathematics with Management; Bsc Mathematics, Statistic and Financial Economics
- BEng Mechanical Engineering
- BEng Mechanical Engineering with Management
- Bsc Medical Genetics
- Bsc Medieval History; Bsc Modern and Contemporary History; BA Modern Languages
- Bsc Neuroscience; Bsc Oral Health
- Bsc Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Bsc Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
- Bsc Physics; Bsc Physics and Astrophysics; Bsc Physics and with Particle Physics
- BA Politics; BA Politics and International Relation; BA Politics and Sociology; BA Politics with Business Management
- Bsc Psychology;
- Bsc Pure Mathematics
- BEng Robotics Engineering
- BA Russian Comparative Literature
- BA Rusian and Linguistic; BA Rusian and Politics; BA Rusian with Business Management
- Bsc Software Engineering for Business
- BEng Suistanable Energy Engineering
- Bsc Theorictical Physics
- BA World History
- Bsc Zoology